Well, shit. (개새끼)

2 min readDec 24, 2021

We didn’t buy the .org website because we thought .org was lame and we thought we registered our moniker on Twitter months ago in advance, but we messed that up. We were going to have everything ready and then just drop it on you. Fully loaded. In almost complete secrecy, all this time —

We were beat to market (in name) this week with what looks like free publicly available 3D models, produced by a weak team. It looks very sus.

No effort. No vision. No continuity.

To date there have been two ‘projects’ with a similar name that seem to be complete failures. Short term money grabs like so many others. Everyone is in it for money. Some for fun. Some truly love the space and want it to grow. We get it. The rug pays better short term, but it’s really not good for the protocol. Swaths of people are joining Solana and many have already had a taste of it. The mass of RUGs that have been pushed. We’re sick of it.

For us, we want to build a solid reputation, we want to build up the community, and we want to grow over the next decade into something memorable and grand.

We want to build project that’s fun, that people want to be part of, that people can talk about, that time was spent on, that helps promote the wondrous blockchain that is Solana. Something that will improve the lives of everyone involved in some way, shape, or form.

Over the next few weeks, we will be communicating, preparing, and sharing more information about our project with the hope that you will entrust us to deliver what we say we will, when we will, to everyone’s benefit.

We hope to talk with you soon.

